If you have an eye emergency such as a painful red eye, a rapid change in your vision, or are experiencing new flashing lights or floaters in your vision, then it is important that you seek advice from your optometrist.

Shrewsbury Optometry patients can access emergency eye care in the following ways.

Within practice opening hours:

If you are an existing patient of our practice and this happens within practice opening hours (Monday – Friday 9am-5.30pm), then please call us on 01743233486.

One of our team will take your details and ask you a series of relevant questions. You will then either be offered an appropriate appointment with an optometrist (this may not be with the optometrist you usually see) or advice will be sought from your optometrist and you will be called back.

All emergency eye care, is covered by a MECS scheme operated in Shropshire. To qualify you must have a Shropshire GP, otherwise fees may apply.

Individuals who have not visited Shrewsbury Optometry before:

We are delighted to welcome new patients to the practice. If you wish to join the practice for access to our emergency eye care, please contact us during office hours and ask for details.

Emergency eye care at a local hospital:

Your final option, if you cannot see an optometrist, is to present to the Accident and Emergency department at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.



The Hospital Eye clinic is closed during evenings and weekends and does not have a walk in service. Patients will be turned away if they present without a referral from an optometrist or GP.


Monday – Friday
9am – 5pm
9am – 1pm


Shrewsbury Optometry © 2022 website by Life Group